Tuesday, April 22, 2008


How to Clean a Computer and Keep it protected from dust, spills, etc.
Keep Your PC Clean To Keep It Running PCWorld, March 2000 Excerpt quoted from PCWorld "It doesn't need gas, oil or spring tuneups, but your computer does need preventive maintenance...
Without regular maintenance, your PC may flail, sputter and grind to a halt, leaving you stranded on the soft shoulder of the Information Highway...
...dust, dirt and grime can lead to serious problems with your PC. The chips and circuits in your system have two mortal enemies; heat and corrosion...If your system is located in a hermetically sealed, climate controlled office, cleaning once a year may suffice. In dust prone areas however, having your system cleaned every three to six months will add years to the life of your PC" Hardware Tips : Keep your PC as neat as a pin; check your printer driver; control your drive letters. Kirk Steers From the March 2000 issue of PC World magazine http://www.pcworld.com/resource/article/0,aid,14872,00.asp Related article: Help Your PC Beat the Heat What's cooking? Steve Bass says it may be your PC's delicate innards.
From TechTV (Dec. 2002 episode) Excerpt quoted from website: Clean Your PC Follow these steps to keep your computer healthy. By Mike Nadelman
If you want your computer to last, you need to clean it regularly. As Roger shows Chris on today's episode of "Call for Help," a little maintenance prevents some major hardware failures.
In case you missed the instructions on the show, this guide explains how to clean your hard drive, monitor, mouse, laser printer, fax, and scanner.
Before you begin, have the following supplies handy:
Simple Green
409 cleaner (not in a compressed can)
Rubbing alcohol
Goof Off
Compressed air -- 16-oz can
Clean white rags
Q-Tips -- the longer the better
3M toner vacuum

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